public static void
public - access the method from outside of the class
static - help access the method with out creating object( obj A of classname , a.main?
void - no return value
jvm access main as entry point from out side
System is a class, println is a method of printstream, printstream is class in package ,
out is a static member data of type present in system class
premitive(fundamenal and abstract dt
premitive -- numberic, character,boolean
numeric - integer, real/floating pt
integer - byte, short, int, long 1,2,4,8 bytes
flaoting pt - float, double, 4,8 - float f=12.34 is wrong, number with decimal is double, this can not be assigned to flaot(only 4 bites)
Character- char 2 bytes
float f=12.34F or float f=(float)12.34(explicit type casting) is correct
1 byte = 8 bit
Range of values that can be stored in integer variable -> -2 to power(n-1) to +2 power(n-1) -2 power 7--> -128 to 127
wrapper class built in class typ3 represent premitive datatype--> eg byte-->java.Lang.Byte
System.out.println("Min vlue =" +Byte.MIN_VALUE);
System.out.println("byte =" +Byte.BYTES);
System.out.println("its =" +Byte.SIZE);
long l=999999999999999; error with out decimal it is treated as integer, implement type casting
long l=999999999999999L; ok specified as long by suffix L
char c=65 --> letter A, implicit type casting
n=012; is considered as Octal number, since it is starting with 0(number system with 0 to 7 digit), this will kae n=10; 2 x 8 to power 0+2 x 8 to power 1
number starting with 0x is hexadecimal, ob is binary
\u0041 letter A in hexadecimal form
System.out.println(10/3) =3, not 3.333 since bith are integer
mod, modulus remainder
System.out.println(10%3); =1
System.out.println(-10%3); =-1
System.out.println(10%-3); =1
System.out.println(-10%-3); =-1
Only the first sign considered
10/0 Java.lang.Arithmeticexception /0
=10.0/0.0=infinity double
int n=10;
int k=10;
System.out.println(n++); -->10 increments but returns old value
System.out.println(++k);-->11 increments and returns new value
int n=10;
System.out.println(n++); -->10 increments but returns old value
System.out.println(++n);--> 12 increments and returns new value
if else simple(if else inside
nested if
ladder if, if else if
swith case break, break is mandatory otherwise next line is executed
char c='A';
case 'A';
for loop
while loop -executed only if true
do wile loop - executed once and executed second time only if true
for (x int: marks) --marks is integer array
int[] arr; preferred way, int arr[]'; is also correct
initialization int[] marks=new int[6];
null an nothing is value not keyword
multi dimentional array arr[][]
arra of arrays, length is first arry length
do a sample
jacked arrsys, sub array has different size
call by value
call by reference
method overloading, methods with different types of arguements, can be same of different return type
Strinh, java.jang.String, Java.Lang.StringBuffer, Java.Lang.StringBuilder
String is not mutable buffer and builder is mutable,--can change value
String s1="Test" String s2="Test" both will point to same location in String Constant pool
hashcode(), both s1 and s2 will have same hash code; memory location
s1="cde" s1 will now point to an new memory location with value "cde", "abc" is not replace by "cde"
int nteger.parstInt(String);
Use Stringbuffer when lot of modifications are done to the string, other wise lot of memory use
sb.appnd, sb.insert
String s="Abc", s.charat(5), string Index outof biund exception
Stringbuilder and Sbuffer are same but StringBuilder is not synchronized, can run multiple threads, buffer is slow, buildr is not threadsafe when multipe threads running
procedure oriented pro, object op , aspect op
pop ata and functions are treated seperately, and procedure is more important, complex, huge
oop created to reduce complexity of pop
class is a concept or blue print, a user defined dat typedt abstract data type
object is a real instance of a class
Constructor--method of a class, same name as class,used to initialize data,executed automatically when object of a class is created. no return type
Default constructer is ceated at compile or we can write code
final is used to declare constant;
final int n-10;
final class can not be inherrited, no extends
final method can not override
final variable can not be modified
variable must be initialied if declared as final
outer class can not be declared as static
static variable is initialized and shared by objects
static method is executed before main
abstract class can not be initiated, can be subclassed
incomplete class, can have abstract methods
abstract void Test(args); -- no immplementation, if a method is abstract class must be abstracts
interface -very useful
used to support multiple inherittance
class can extend only from one class, but can implement from multiple interfaces
interface keyword iis used , all methods are abstracts and public 100%
implements keyword
class a implements B
interface can be extended from more than one interface, multiple inherritance
only method specificayions, no implememntation
variable in interface gets automatically converted to public static final, methods are converted to public abstract
Implementation should contain public access modifier for methods, can not declare weaker access methods
package is a collection of classes, abstracts etc
package is a directory
rt.jar contains all builtin classes in jre/lib folder
import static java.lang.math, usic static you do nt need t write math.pi, just pi is enough
access modifiers
public, private, protected, defaukt or package
outer class can not be private
default is private to package
public - access the method from outside of the class
static - help access the method with out creating object( obj A of classname , a.main?
void - no return value
jvm access main as entry point from out side
System is a class, println is a method of printstream, printstream is class in package ,
out is a static member data of type present in system class
premitive(fundamenal and abstract dt
premitive -- numberic, character,boolean
numeric - integer, real/floating pt
integer - byte, short, int, long 1,2,4,8 bytes
flaoting pt - float, double, 4,8 - float f=12.34 is wrong, number with decimal is double, this can not be assigned to flaot(only 4 bites)
Character- char 2 bytes
float f=12.34F or float f=(float)12.34(explicit type casting) is correct
1 byte = 8 bit
Range of values that can be stored in integer variable -> -2 to power(n-1) to +2 power(n-1) -2 power 7--> -128 to 127
wrapper class built in class typ3 represent premitive datatype--> eg byte-->java.Lang.Byte
System.out.println("Min vlue =" +Byte.MIN_VALUE);
System.out.println("byte =" +Byte.BYTES);
System.out.println("its =" +Byte.SIZE);
long l=999999999999999; error with out decimal it is treated as integer, implement type casting
long l=999999999999999L; ok specified as long by suffix L
char c=65 --> letter A, implicit type casting
n=012; is considered as Octal number, since it is starting with 0(number system with 0 to 7 digit), this will kae n=10; 2 x 8 to power 0+2 x 8 to power 1
number starting with 0x is hexadecimal, ob is binary
\u0041 letter A in hexadecimal form
System.out.println(10/3) =3, not 3.333 since bith are integer
mod, modulus remainder
System.out.println(10%3); =1
System.out.println(-10%3); =-1
System.out.println(10%-3); =1
System.out.println(-10%-3); =-1
Only the first sign considered
10/0 Java.lang.Arithmeticexception /0
=10.0/0.0=infinity double
int n=10;
int k=10;
System.out.println(n++); -->10 increments but returns old value
System.out.println(++k);-->11 increments and returns new value
int n=10;
System.out.println(n++); -->10 increments but returns old value
System.out.println(++n);--> 12 increments and returns new value
if else simple(if else inside
nested if
ladder if, if else if
swith case break, break is mandatory otherwise next line is executed
char c='A';
case 'A';
for loop
while loop -executed only if true
do wile loop - executed once and executed second time only if true
for (x int: marks) --marks is integer array
int[] arr; preferred way, int arr[]'; is also correct
initialization int[] marks=new int[6];
null an nothing is value not keyword
multi dimentional array arr[][]
arra of arrays, length is first arry length
do a sample
jacked arrsys, sub array has different size
call by value
call by reference
method overloading, methods with different types of arguements, can be same of different return type
Strinh, java.jang.String, Java.Lang.StringBuffer, Java.Lang.StringBuilder
String is not mutable buffer and builder is mutable,--can change value
String s1="Test" String s2="Test" both will point to same location in String Constant pool
hashcode(), both s1 and s2 will have same hash code; memory location
s1="cde" s1 will now point to an new memory location with value "cde", "abc" is not replace by "cde"
int nteger.parstInt(String);
Use Stringbuffer when lot of modifications are done to the string, other wise lot of memory use
sb.appnd, sb.insert
String s="Abc", s.charat(5), string Index outof biund exception
Stringbuilder and Sbuffer are same but StringBuilder is not synchronized, can run multiple threads, buffer is slow, buildr is not threadsafe when multipe threads running
procedure oriented pro, object op , aspect op
pop ata and functions are treated seperately, and procedure is more important, complex, huge
oop created to reduce complexity of pop
class is a concept or blue print, a user defined dat typedt abstract data type
object is a real instance of a class
Constructor--method of a class, same name as class,used to initialize data,executed automatically when object of a class is created. no return type
Default constructer is ceated at compile or we can write code
final is used to declare constant;
final int n-10;
final class can not be inherrited, no extends
final method can not override
final variable can not be modified
variable must be initialied if declared as final
outer class can not be declared as static
static variable is initialized and shared by objects
static method is executed before main
abstract class can not be initiated, can be subclassed
incomplete class, can have abstract methods
abstract void Test(args); -- no immplementation, if a method is abstract class must be abstracts
interface -very useful
used to support multiple inherittance
class can extend only from one class, but can implement from multiple interfaces
interface keyword iis used , all methods are abstracts and public 100%
implements keyword
class a implements B
interface can be extended from more than one interface, multiple inherritance
only method specificayions, no implememntation
variable in interface gets automatically converted to public static final, methods are converted to public abstract
Implementation should contain public access modifier for methods, can not declare weaker access methods
package is a collection of classes, abstracts etc
package is a directory
rt.jar contains all builtin classes in jre/lib folder
import static java.lang.math, usic static you do nt need t write math.pi, just pi is enough
access modifiers
public, private, protected, defaukt or package
outer class can not be private
default is private to package